
Sathiya Narayanan Venkatesan

Software Engineer

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About Me

I'm a passionate and versatile software engineer with a deep love for crafting elegant code and solving complex problems. My technical expertise spans across programming languages like Python, Java, JavaScript and I'm constantly seeking out new tools and frameworks to stay at the forefront of technology. In addition to my technical abilities, I'm a strong advocate for best practices in software engineering, including code maintainability, scalability, and security. I'm always eager to learn from others and share my knowledge with the community.


Zoho Corporation

SDE Intern

Maintained a bug reporting web application by adding different features and optimizing the video recording functionality of the tool, achieved 80% increase in accuracy of recorded bugs.

Zoho Corporation

Summer Intern

Learned and applied Object Oriented Programming Concepts, Design Patterns, Version control systems. Designed, built,and deployed a web application using JSP (JavaServer Pages) and Servlet on Tomcat standalone server.


North Carolina State University

Aug 2023 - May 2025

Masters in Computer Science

Course Work: Algorithms, Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Automated Software Engineering, Computer Networks, Software Security

SKCET, Anna University

Aug 2019 - April 2023

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science

Course Work: Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Java Programming, Data Structures, Data Analytics, DBMS.


Few Shot Learning - Surrogate Learner

Improved an active learning surrogate model by adeptly updating the learner for every new data instance and yielding results, either rivaling or aligning with state-of-the-art techniques. Synthesized datasets to the above learner to enable it to perform different machine learning tasks such as NLP.

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Mapease - Livestock Disease Tracking System

Streamlined monitoring of seasonal disease spread by tracking the movement of the livestock. Spearheaded a web application with a Spring Boot backend using JPA for data persistence and an Angular frontend featuring interactive maps built with Leaflet module in Angular.

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File Share

Created a user-friendly file sharing Website using Firebase as the backend, lowering the file upload time to under 5 seconds. Implemented React JS to enhance the performance and responsiveness of the file sharing platform. Devised a QR code generator that automatically generates a unique QR code for each uploaded file, providing users with an easy and convenient way to download their files.

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Developed and implemented an advanced chatbot using the open source platform RASA, utilizing contextualized questioning and symptom analysis to accurately identify high-risk individuals with a success rate of 90%. Provided seamless integration with local health systems, enabling the chatbot to quickly provide contact information for nearby medical institutions, resulting in an average reduction of 30 minutes in obtaining medical assistance.

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Early Detection Of Alzheimer's Disease

Trained a CNN model in Python, TensorFlow, and NumPy to diagnose different stages of Alzheimer’s disease from MRI reports. Constructed a dataset of 6400 MRI images after skull stripping the MRI images using the FSL library. Attained an accuracy of 80% when tested on a dataset of 2000 MRI images with a cross-entropy loss function

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Slash - Online Shopping Application Scraper

Worked on a web scraping project implemented utilizing Beautiful Soup. Implemented secure user-based login with PostgreSQL and JWT. Successfully resolved challenges related to data consistency, resulting in a 20% improvement in data accuracy. Implemented a wishlist feature, making it easy for users to save and access search results. Added currency conversion, allowing users to view results in their preferred currency. Added a download option for search results to be downloaded in CSV format, enhancing utility.

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